Monday, February 18, 2013


Brian has been wanting our college students to experience an American style "BBQ".  So, on the first Saturday in February we invited them all over to our house for a young people's fellowship.
Food preparation
There were about 25 who attended.  We only have a tiny gas grill that hooks up to my cooking gas cylinder (which can take a week or more to get refilled), so we knew we had to come up with a better solution to cook for so many people.  Using cast off bricks from a neighbors building project, a couple of oven racks, and some coal, we got a good system that easily cooked all the meat for our crowd.

Brian and Pastor Dubish were the "BBQ masters".
The girls and I made coleslaw, potato salad, and desserts.  Some of our brothers and sisters from Manipur made fish and pork in their style, and since this is still India (American BBQ or not), we made some rice!
Cooking the rice

Naomi and Pooja chowing down

Kara and her friend sitting on the wall

Looks like everyone is enjoying the BBQ!

Hmmm..not sure if Blessing and Alex are enjoying or not!

We had the BBQ on the roof of our house.  Since we don't really have a back or front yard, this was the most convenient place.
After everyone enjoyed the food, we had a short message, and then watched the movie "Courageous".  It was a very enjoyable time!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Prayer requests

Please remember these requests in prayer....

Pastor Mangibabu in Manipur was inured in a motorcycle accident.  He has quite a bit of damage to his face.  Pray for his healing.

Brian is in Manipur right now.  He will be visiting a village next Tuesday where there are no known Christians.  There are over 100 families there.  The lady from Manipur with cancer, who we were praying for passed away last week, and this is her home village.  He visited the family once already, and they are very open and asking him to come back to pray for them.  Pray that the Gospel will touch the hearts of these people who are living without hope.

Pray for Grace Baptist Church, we are still searching for a new meeting place.  The rent we are paying now is too much to handle.  Pray for God to open the right doors and lead us to the place where He wants us to meet.

We are planning to be in the US by May.  Pray for the rest of the needed finances for our flight.  Also, for the need of a vehicle while we are in the US, and for increased support, as we have lost some supporters in the last few months, due to financial problems in various churches. 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Naomi is 12!

On January 10, Naomi celebrated her 12th birthday.  As the saying goes..."Where has all the time gone?" 
Here she is on her birthday, still sporting a bandage from her head injury the week before.
Naomi was born while we were on deputation, preparing to come to India.  She was 7 months old when we moved over here.
She is a very talented girl, who sings, and plays the piano and guitar.  Schoolwork is a breeze for her, and she has recently started occasionally speaking with a British accent  (quite effectively too!), but that is only when she is speaking English.  She speaks Hindi and Punjabi with an Indian accent.  Happy Birthday Naomi Starr!